Sunday, September 08, 2024

FT8 is a lot more than just pushing buttons

 I run a fair amount of FTx.
Indeed, it amounts to a bit over half of the QSO's in my log. I've had a fair amount of derision sent my way over it, most suggesting that it's effortless and thereby worthless.

Let's set the record straight:

I designed the station. I selected and in a few cases built the antennas I'm using. I erected the antenna field, in my case in the smallest backyard I could have imagined. I selected one smaller computer and rebuilt from the ground up, the computers that are doing my heavy lifting. I generally have 6 screens running as follows.

1:Cat control via WIN4YAESU, along with the waterfall and transmit audio screens.

3: PSK Reporter

4: Another browser, generally running QRZ's log page

 On the Second computer:

5: and 6 Grid Tracker.

Oh... and a tablet running HAMCLOCK. So, 7 screens.

With this system running, I have all 50 states and 161 countries confirmed in about four years time.

The systems I have running to accomplish all of this are (and I'm sorry to have tos ay this) beyond the skill sets of most folks who are complaining about FT8.... they couldn't operate the thing, much less build it.

Yes there are folks who are using the mode with little to no skill, and getting fair results. So be it.
I'm getting fabulous results and I built and I maintain the thing myself. To do that you need both radio and computer skills.

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