Thursday, June 06, 2024

Quit with the Kenwood rumors, will ya?

I can't tell you how many times I've heard the Rumor being spread that Kenwood is thinking about leaving the Ham Radio business. I've been hearing this stuff long before I even got my tech a few years ago.Well, I have several comments 'bout that.

No, they're not. They've been here for around 60 years and with good reason, and with nothing at all to suggest they're going anywhere.

Indeed comparatively speaking, the indications are quite the opposite.

Consider MFJ who (sadly) pulled out of Hamvention mere hours after making their announcement about folding their Starkville manufacturing operation. Kenwood, on the other hand, was at Xenia and from what I saw there, they made a great showing. They've got the new D75 out. Looks killer, and apparently is selling well. The 590SG, TS890 and TS990 are still out there and also going well.

OK, it's not their biggest type of sales... the commercial and public safety markets are more lucrative, certainly. at least on a per unit basis.But you know what's keeping them doing well in that market? Ham radio.

The TS 990

No, I'm not kidding. 

Most people responsible for installing Commercial and Public Service radio, particularly Mobile, are also Hams. It is a natural extension of their profession. Kenwood understands this.

Look, I'm no Kenwood loyalist, ( I tend to Yaesu.... so shoot me)... but even I recognize that Kenwood Ham radios create a kind of brand loyalty that you're seldom going to find among commercial installers and maintainers. The guy who carries a D74, or has one of the TS HF rigs for example, is far more likely to recommend an NX3200 (again for example) for his current project.

Ham radio, therefore is the loss leader, used for promoting the commercial and public service lines. Kenwood, long ago, recognized there would be no commercial/public service wing of the company without the foundational and stellar reputation they have enjoyed in Ham Radio. It's in their best interests to remain in the Ham Radio Field.

Can we put this rumor to bed, now? Please?

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